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Avatar's Articles

What is the psychology behind drinking coffee or tea?

We have understood drinking coffee/tea as a habit and approach it in that way.

However, our subconscious utilises this differently.

To think and contemplate, the mind needs to be in a relaxed state.

To take a break, relaxing yet at the same time crucial, in between busy hectic schedules and within a short span of time is an unusual thing to do..

Whenever the mind is working on something, it focuses on another totally different thing, to figure out solutions..

- From Avatar Sathyam's Psychology Article

What is present day Democracy ?

Voting once in 5 years is said to be Democratic right.

Is this a Democratic right? Does standing in the crowd to blindly vote and elect someone constitute people's rule? Instead, it would be better to queue up a day once in 5 years and jump into the well and falsely proclaim Democracy.

In today's fake democratic set up everyone has power except the people.

People are being ruled by everyone.

A citizen cannot approach a low ranking government official to get his work done. Even that employee bosses over the citizen making them run pillar to post. Is this people's democracy?

- From Avatar Sathyam's Modern democracy statement Compilation.

Image by Fauzan Saari

Motivation is not for achievers..

To my knowledge achievers are not created by listening to motivational speeches. It helps those seeking entertainment and amusement.

Can there be better motivators in the world than Vivekananda, Jesus and Socrates? Why isn't there another Jesus, Vivekananda or Socrates?

Motivation is not for achievers..


- From Avatar Sathyam's Psychology Article

Image by Inja Pavlić

Illusive Media

As long as Trump was in the lead in the US presidential election, the entire media was talking about his victory with interest and excitement. As Joe Biden begins to form a government after slowly winning amidst intense conflict, media began to flow with buzzwords like..

'A New Light of Hope'

'America Reassured'

How in the world does media get to be so illusive. hmmm..


- From Avatar Sathyam's World Updates Compilation.

Image by Drew Coffman


.........In the beginning stages of mankind when there was little social contact between people, marriage was a permissible declaration that the couple have started living together and let them not be disturbed.

Social recognition..!

I. It became social recognition when interactions between human groups occurred and many groups began to live together as a community.

"Society recognises the marriage and the couple henceforth become husband and wife."

Ego Agreement Symbol

II. Later marriage became an extravagant ritual. Then it changed into a symbol of ego.

"Marriage had to be conducted even by taking loans to show off. Marriage had become one of the symbols of ego."

Marriage : mutual personal and private matter.
III. It is living together with a person one loves. It is enough if the two of them desires and there is no need to inform the world. Marriage reduced to being a private matter between two people.

"Living with the person one desires is marriage. It doesn't need recognition or grandeur."

This can be called as the evolution or the way marriage progressed.


- From Avatar Sathyam's Psychology articles.

Image by Austin Distel


Harari is a renowned historian, columnist, famous for his many successful novels and articles. A person of his stature can debate for a topic proving its veracity.

At the same time debate against it establishing it as wrong.

There is nothing to be surprised.

This is only for us to contemplate and he is giving us an opportunity..!

He claims that small groups of people cannot control the world. He supports his stand with various events and puts forth many arguments. He asks 'When we are unable to control 100 or 1000 people how can a group control 8 billion people?'... The answer to this is simple. The channels of information people trust like media, political leaders, religious heads, social media are used to regularly sow information as per required narrative is enough. People will fall for it. The task of the small group of people will be perfecly executed without any need to control them directly.

For example observe the basis on which people choose the parties to elect during the elections. Compared to millions of people, a political party is only a small group.!

You can corroborate one thing that Harari has not stated this because he is a Jew..!"

-From Avatar Sathyam's Psychology articles

Image by Md Mahdi

Rules for life?

........Every game is identified by it's rules which makes it engrossing.

There is no game without rules. However only in the game of life, the players know nothing about the rules. Yet they come in herds to play.

A game can only be played if you know its rules.. except life. That is why life is miserable for everyone.........

- From Avatar Sathyam's Psychology articles.

Karl MArx.jpeg

Karl Marx

.......Many of the good objectives transfigure turning river into a pond into puddle into sludge to gutter due to depravation of people over time.


Karl Marx devoted his entire life to a downtrodden race to find out this is how it works....


What happened? What should have happened? Where is the confusion? There is only one answer to all the three questions.


Not only this but any objective, should take their followers to the next stage and not keep them in the same level. Like poor people continuing to be poor......



- From Avatar Sathyam's Modern Democracy Statement compilation

Image by Alessandro Bellone

Don't worry about whether or not there was a person called Jesus.

.......Don't worry about whether or not there was a person called Jesus.

Instead think what if such a person existed...

It is easy to deny that Jesus could not have existed. It is difficult to think why such a person could not have existed.

He was a good man, a great human, revolutionary one too. Can we see someone like that now? Is it even possible to find such a person these days?

He was a rare revolutionary wonder and a rebel. Unfortunately He chose spirituality, to save the cursed..

Even now there isn't a situation on earth for such a person to live. It will never be..

He was indeed great. Can anyone else behave like Him when He carried the cross and His flesh was hung on it? Can we even imagine that? It's a heart-wrenching pain for even those who think about it..

Think about the will power that does not scream in spite of all the blows, pain, shame, disappointment and pain.

He did not shed a single tear. Only those who feel it will be moved to tears.

His physical pain was not greater than the emotional pain of being rejected by his own people. The mind bled, teared and was wounded.

The determination and the pertinacity He displayed till the end is unparalleled anywhere.

Jesus is a diamond. Priceless....."


-From Avatar Sathyam's Psychology articles.

Image by NASA

Black Hole..!

.......Talking repeatedly about the black hole with wonderment, swells up one side of the head while shrinking the other side..

It does not conform to the laws of physics. Time comes to a standstill and it's not visible to the eyes.

It attracts all the nearby objects. Even light cannot escape it's pull and turns it to nothingness.


Blackhole is not something new or something that has sprung up recently.

It is a natural phenomenon occuring in the Universe after a certain period of time. It's another part of cosmic activity.

Moreover the issue is not about black hole or black hole is not even an issue.

How is it not an issue?

Black hole is a pre-existing matter in the Universe.

It changes into another state. The transition to another state is termed as "Black hole".

Black hole itself is not a state.. moving to another state.......

- From Avatar Sathyam's Science Theory Articles.

Image by Jp Valery


......People view bribe and corruption as an alternate path as long as they are not affected by them.

What does it mean by affected ?

When the alternative can't be paid and it exceeds the affordability..

When you are forced to take a short cut to get what you normally get straightforward..

That is when corruption earns dissatisfied people and becomes a crime.

For anything there will always be either customers, or people who are oblivious.

Corruption existed right from the start of human life. It will continue until the last human being remains because corruption is an alternate path that people prefer.......

- A piece from Avatar Sathyam's Modern Democracy statement  Compilation

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